Caring for your Wooden Charcuterie Cutting Board

A clean, dry cloth and our Food Grade Mineral Oil is all you need.

Simply apply the oil to your piece and rub it in with the cloth. Let it set in for several hours and buff away any excess oil.

And don’t worry, you can use your best chef’s knife on our boards! Given how striking our pieces are, we get a lot of customers who are nervous to use them as their daily cutting boards. We recommend using one side for serving and another for chopping, rest assured that your Holley Woodworking board can handle any knife and still maintain its beauty.

The Brass Tacks.

Our products are made from hardwood, a live material.
Handwash only. Stand to dry. Do not put in dishwasher. Do not soak for extended periods. Treat with Mineral Oil every 1-3 months as the board becomes dry. This will maintain the look of your board and prevent stains, odours, warping and splitting.

We stand behind every product we make; should you ever have an issue with your board, please contact us and we will make it right!

Has Your Board Warped?

If you are noticing that your Holley Woodworking cutting board now has a slight curve or wobble to it, do not panic!
Remember that hardwood is a live material and this does not mean that your favorite board is ruined! We have a tried-and-tested method to quickly return your board to normal again.

Follow our PRO-TIPS below:
1. Lay your board on a flat surface, concave curve facing up
2. Dampen a cloth that will cover the entire surface of your board
3. Lay the cloth on top of your board for 24 hours

The reason your board has warped is due to the imbalance of moisture on the two surfaces of the board. This effect is similar to a leaf drying in the sun, as the dry leaf edges curl towards the sun.

As you notice your board becoming dry with use, apply 1-2 tablespoons of mineral oil followed by our wood wax on your board and using a dry cloth, rub the oil into your board. Repeat as needed.

See an example of this process in the photos below.

caring for your wooden charcuterie cutting board
caring for your wooden charcuterie cutting board
caring for your wooden charcuterie cutting board

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